Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Your Friend for the Environment

Oil giant Shell announced, last week. Profits of $26billion dollars. The figures were for 2007.

If you are a shareholder, you have done nicely. As for the rest of us, we have to fork out more for our energy needs and petrol.

Recently Shell were running these ad on the television. How their "employees" are figuring new technologies that are safer for the environment, thus helping us in a way to lesson our needs for more energy.

You don't see any hydro-powered cars around? Or powered by fuelcell technology that was all the rage a while back.

Some of these monies made by energy companies are obscene, they have been raping the planet for years and precious little given back to the environment they destroyed inthe process of getting "at it".

There should clearly be, a windfall tax on these amount or be invested into making our homes more energy efficient and invest in the newer technologies of Wind power and Solar power.

An average price, to install a 1.3kw solar panels in a typical British home is still over $15,000. Way too high to be affordable. The grant given by the government is very low, which comes in at about $3000. That's the taxpayers money! If all the companies excess profits are taxed, these grants can be further subsidised, as to being more affordable.

I have been looking to install solar energy, for all of last year but have been dissuaded by the price of the whole venture, I am sure many of you can attest to that fact.

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