Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Heavenly Swords - That Are Out Of This World

At last, you can finally act out the siege scene at Helm's Deep, in The Two Towers. You know the climactic scenes where, Gimli, Aragorn, and Legolas - the elf with the fastest fingers in middle earth. I thought he was the coolest of the heroes assembled - are holed up at Helm's Deep.

The trio hold out against them pesky Orcs and Goblins, at Helm's Deep. Which I thought were the best scenes ever to be put to celluloid. I could not as yet fathom as to why fight in the dark, the baddies far outnumber the goodguys by a margin greater than 4-1. They could have easily trounced these guys in daylight. Well just a thought, as I could have seen the action much better.

pictures are courtesy of Imdb

If, by perchance you are wondering what Helm's Deep and The Two Towers mean, well where were you, during the past 7 years? If you haven't read J.R.R Tolkien's masterpiece nor have the definitive trilogy by Peter Jackson, now's the time to ebay it!

pictures are courtesy of Heavenly

The sword is the one my brother has in his collection. He said he bought it on the internet, which wasn't a toy and that it was like an exact replica of Frodo's sword.

These things were all the rage at that time, you had school kids doing mock fights of the ones from the movies up and down the country.

The replica my brother had didn't feel at all , you know. Had a plasticky feel to it, like a toys. It's very cool, the detail on it is amazing and you can see the elvish engravings and everything.

Did I say it glows in the dark as well!

It is an exact replica of the one in the movies. I tried to do a little digging, these things were in nearly all the retail outlets, some priced more expensively than others, you gotta watch the prices in these things, as what you are getting is a collector's item.

I stumbled upon Heavenly After a good few minutes of trawling the net. It had the Lords Of The Rings category, which is good I thought. So I went straight there, went to the Glowing Sting Replica - which looks exactly the one my brother had.

It described what you were getting, an exact authenticated replica of a movie prop. The coolest description was the on - off switch or selector as they described it. The sword makes battle noises when you strike at objects. The feature that I liked was the button that turns the thing to glow blue and it sort of humms in your hand.

For those who don't know, when the sword turns blue it means there are orcs nearby.

This sword takes pride of place hanging in its medieval style base, complete with wrought iron on our wall near the front door. Every body that comes by the house, that's the first thing they see and notice. We get lots of cool comments as well.

Heavenly swords, is a one stop shop for all thing swords, whether it be anime, medieval, military swords, you name it they have it and it's not only for The Lords Of The Rings stuff that I came looking for in the first place.

If you want a saber from the 1860's exactly detailed, you got it here my friend. These guys have a 1860's U.S issue cavalry sword manufactured by Cold Steel. They are renowned for their high performance of the items that they produce.

Not just swords they have. They also do shields, helmets. One of the helmets that I liked was the Gondorian Helmet. It's a limited edition one at that, only 2000 ever made. The helmet is solid iron! With leather interior! Forget displaying it, you can wear this thing.

They do miniatures as well, its only swords at the moment. Would it not be cool to have it on your desk to show off? They are only smaller versions of the swords themselves, but still keeping the exact detail of their older siblings.

Every single item, is hand picked by Heavenly swords for its quality and value. They are made by the biggest names in the business from around the world. If these guys don't have it, there's a reason. It's not made yet!

C'mon. Swords ready. Helmet on, shields at the ready, CHARGE!!! See you on the other side!

Thanks to my sponsor Heavenly Swords

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