Thursday, 10 January 2008


Posted my first post, in haste aargh!

First Blog.

Having dropped my eldest off to school, got her younger brother to watch Cbeebies.

Then I started to re-draft my very first blog, and completed it's first post before I left for the clinic with the baby.

In betweenst my anguishes of my son at not having seen "In the night garden". He quite likes that one! He likes Makka PaKka, one of the characters from the program.

I forgot to make the post more interesting!

Baby Clinic

I published it, without a further ado. Called the cab to take us to the baby clinic they schedule these things on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday I was still completing my last 12 hour shift of my weekend shift.

So Thursdays it was then, It was typical London weather as usual, raining and windy. So the cab was it then. Had to pack away my high performance Graco Push Chair.

When we got there the clinic was closed! No one seemed to have bothered to call all those registered with under 3's that it will be closed, just a notice at the door.

C'mon NHS, We live like well over 2 miles, at least call to say that your'e closed! I know money's tight with all those overpaid positions that nobody's heard of, with enough consultants on the books that one can shake a stick at.


All the while something was niggling me, my first blog post. I got all interested, when I first joined up with Yuwie, the network site.

I read an article on the BBC's technology website section on xmas eve, whilst at work. I know shouldn't do it, hey but it's not banned yet!

It did a write up with one of the founders, you can check it out at for an excerpt of that article.

It's a network site where you make friends and connect with people from all over the world, I made well over 200 friends, in the span of only two weeks!

It let's you do chat, upload vids, pics, and has a blog feature of what ever you want to say, mine on there, at the moment is all about my website and the working business opportunity, that are out there. The one's that work.

I've done about half a dozen already, and that got me thinking and searching as well, which led me here to blogger. Where I can say and think about our world in which we live in what matters most to us. The pictures of our world - pics.


My first post, sucked. Real bad. Had to change it, so I did, after I calmed down from the clinic debacle. Made the necessary adjustments, a little tweaking here and there. Had a minor panic, along the way as my son accidently dialled 999 from the mobile. I quicky hanged up - but alas the call got registered, the kind lady at the other end was prompt. Very.

I apologised , blamed it on the phone design, where the lock feature actually unlocks the phone when you press all the keys at once! Try it.

The operator took my name and details anyway as routine. Well it's one of those things that happen at my house.

All the whilst tweaking my first blog post. Finally, I done it. Looked it over said what I had to say, did what I had to do. I just hit Publish.

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